Sunday, May 11, 2008

President Obama, I presume(d)...

It seems that Hillary Clinton will fight to the bitter end in her battle against Barak Obama for the Democratic candidacy. It appears certain that Obama will get the nod, prompting one to ask why she refuses to step-back and give the Illinois Senator a decent run at the prize. At this stage all she can do is harm his chances, and feed ammunition to the GOP. Indeed, it may be the case that McCain will claim the Presidency simply by keeping his head down and letting the two Democrats tear each other to shreds - whichever one becomes the official Democrat candidate, they will be so badly damaged that he might just have an easy win.
The problem for Democrats is that supporters of Clinton and Obama will be disinclined to vote for "the other guy" - indeed, many may vote for McCain or just stay home on election day. Things have gotten so nasty (largely due to Hillary's dirty campaigning) that a joint ticket seems highly improbable. So, the Republicans face an already split opposition and a pre-weakened candidate. Not good. Unless you're John McCain.
But back to the whys. Why has Hillary not stepped-out of the race? Why has she resorted to such dirty campaigning, fueled by character-assassination and with unmistakable racial overtones?
Could it be that La Clinton would rather see McCain claim victory and have another run at it in 2012? Certainly, she wont have much currency if she tries to usurp a popular President Obama.
The tragedy for Democrats is that, after eight years of Brains in the White House, America is primed for a Democrat incumbent - but they are doing themselves out of the prize.
I suppose there is still time for one or two surprises - as Margaret Thatcher discovered, a week is a long time in politics.