Sunday, September 18, 2005

My Hero...

Since my last post I've been thinking about greatness. True greatness. My hero has always been Humphrey Bogart - a true gent of the old school. He is remembered as a great action hero, a chess player and a romantic idol. In a hundred years from now, people will still imagine Bogey when someone says 'Private Eye.'

But what always impressed me most about him was his concern for others - he always noticed when someone was being excluded from the group and tried to involve them. His love for Lauren Bacall was true and lasting. He was a touch of class, personally and professionally.

If you would like to know more about Bogart, read 'Take It And Like It,' a very good biography. The title comes from The Maltese Falcon - Bogart strikes Peter Lorre, and Lorre says 'You hit me.' Bogart replies: 'When you're slapped, you'll take it and like it.' Words to live one's life by, some might say.

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