Saturday, July 08, 2006

True Freedom Of Expression

Hello all -- hope you're all wrapped-up nice an' cosy like me on this cold, rainy night. Me little stove is struggling against the cold and the blankets are a bit threadbare, but I think we'll do all right. I'm listening to BBC Radio 4 on me little wireless while I type this. They're discussing attitudes of Muslims in Britain towards the London terror attacks. What strikes me most is the freedom of expression and the fact that this show is live and wide-ranging. Also, it hits quite an intellectual tone, without attempting to simplify or 'dumb-down' the topic under discussion.

How very unlike the American mainstream media, which seems to consider the viewer/listener as moronic. I was particularly shocked by the tone of a US news show I saw recently, which was simplistic and jingoistic in the extreme. I am by no means the first old salt to comment on the shortcomings of American journalism, but I have noticed recently an interesting development. Thousands of Americans are taking to the intenet to express their views and to discuss world events. Very often the tone is quite sophisticated and intellectual, so unlike the mainstrean media outlets.

There are many blogs, discussion groups and fora in existence now - perhaps suggesting that many americans are simply leaving the nonsensical TV news behind them. This gives me a great hope for the future, as - even if I disagree with what many of them are saying - they are discussing and sharing ideas.

True, a lot of these sites are pro-war, but most of them will allow dissenting comments if presented politely and with a good heart. This is a great opportunity for all of us who are against this vile war and think that Bush is an idiot. Go to the right-wing sites and discussion boards, tell them what you think, begin discussions. By exposing these people to a different perspective, we might even manage to convince some of them that they are supporting an immoral crusade.

Or, even better - start your own blog! Its free and fun and you can say whatever you like (more or less).

Now, its time for me to fill the old briar pipe and snuggle down for the night. Take care, and watch out for ice-bergs. Aaar.


Anonymous said...


Great to see you're still posting.

It's a lot of fun to see an ignoramous completely disabled by facts and truth. They don't outright admit defeat, but it's not hard to tell when they either go silent or start using logical fallacies and loopholes, effectively proving themselves wrong.

Keep it up,

Captain Blah said...

Spot on Stew -- we must keep on answering their lies with truth and fact. A lot of right-wing web sites get away with outright drivel.

Thanks for posting, buddy.
