Wednesday, September 17, 2008


After decades of aggression towards the old communist bloc countries and relentless preaching about the joys of the free market, it seems that the Comrades in Washington have turned tail and appropriated the ways of the much maligned centrally-planned economic models they used to poo-poo.

Although pretty much everyone on Earth knew (apart from the highly-paid financial money-managers of course) that the residential property market was going to go into freefall and that a deep recession loomed, the financial institutions failed to take steps to prepare for what was to come.

In a truly free market they would be forced to accept the consequences of their ineptitude. But not to worry - they don't need to face-up to the stresses of the market, as they operate in the USSA (Union of Soviet Socialist America), and the government will intervene and save them.

Power to the people!

One wonders whether they will replace the Stars and Stripes with the old Soviet red flag? But the Hammer and Sickle would not really be an appropriate emblem. Hmm...hey, how about using the Red Flag, but replacing the Hammer and Sickle with the image of a dead Iraqi child? They have tens of thousands to choose from, and it would play very well in the Bible Belt, where Bush is very popular and their Christian principles extend to genocide and racial hatred.

Again, power to the people!

As America slides into a Soviet-style police-state, it is interesting to see the Comrades in Washington taking more and more control of the "free" market and intervening to save some companies. But while they act to place the financial institutions under state control, they are simultaneously attempting to privatise America's armed-forces.

One more time, power to the people!

A thought strikes me. I wonder if the Comrades on Wall Street who are benefiting from state intervention are in any way related to the Comrades who earn millions from private security work for the US military (i.e. mercenaries)? Wouldn't it be a magnificent gesture to the hard-working tax-payer if it turned out that they are all supporters of The Great Brain in the White House? Just think how reassuring that would be to a hard-working family who have lost their home.

On reflection, it seems that America really is appropriating the old Soviet approach: All men are equal. But some are more equal than others!

Last time, Power to the people!

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