Sunday, November 06, 2005

Bush Whacked

It seems that things are beginning to unravel at the Bush Whitehouse.

This administration's cack-handed misadventures and ridiculous lies have disgusted the world and shamed America. As their stupidity and untruths have grown ever clearer, the level of domestic support for their aggression in the middle east has nosedived.

Yet, through it all, Bush has never once admitted to a single mistake. Never once did he say 'oops, sorry.' He has twisted in the wind like Nero fiddling whilst Rome burned. And all the while he wore a smug look of mock sincerity that would awe even the most perma-tanned game show host.

US mainstream media has failed, I think, to effectively inform the people of the true horrors unfolding on the ground in Iraq. Whether this is due to some perverse loyalty on their part, or simply part of the way the media censors its coverage for the great unwashed, I don't know - but I suspect many journalists are just itching to have a go at Bush, but have been prevented from doing so by their corporate controllers. It seems that they may get their opportunity soon enough. Bush might just be approaching the tipping point - the moment when it is easier to push him further down than to continue to support him and his crazy take on the world.

When the tide turns against him, I predict that Bush will grow ever more insular in his thinking and behaviour. By the time of the next election, my guess is that even most Republicans will be glad that he is gone -- but in the truly irony-free style of American politics, he will be praised and lauded by all and sundry in his party, even as they breathe a sigh of relief.

However things turn out, it is certain that this man has left his mark on history - in the blood of the innocent.

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