Sunday, December 11, 2005

Been out and about...

Well, this old sea-dog has been roaming and resting...on dry land! And now that I'm back on board the old clinker, I feel much the better for it.

Anyway - what do you think of the weasel goings-on at the White House? Those sly foxes have redefined the definition of torture, so that they can now say that they don't torture prisoners! Is it just me, or is this so transparently awful that even die-hard Bush fans will be disgusted?

'Tis terrible to see a once great nation sliding down the hill of defeat and into isolation. America has long been the western world's friend and has been an aspirational ideal for much of the developing world - now, it is becoming a hated terror state. And a great disappointment to all of us who dream of building a world of peace and liberty.


Captain Blah said...

Hi Eddie -

Thanks for your comments, I appreciate the positive words. I agree that a lot of the responses on the 'pro-victory' blog are rather disturbing. Your point about the media in the US is very valid - I have been to America, post 9/11, and the standard of the coverage is shockingly poor. As you say, there is no attempt to contextualise or explain. Its as if the middle east appeared from nowhere the day before Iraq invaded Kuwait and good ol' Uncle Sam has led the good fight ever since then. It also worries me that so many Americans only read and view what they want to see/hear. They don't seem to challenge themselves intellectually, or subject their views to much scrutiny. And 'W' is turning the world into a scary and dangerous place, without anyone in the press corps asking any of the BIG and IMPORTANT questions.

For anybody wondering what we are talking about, check out:

Cheers -


PS - I love your blog!

Chief RZ said...

Shameful. Read and post here:

Trying to equate poor treatment of prisoners of war with real torture.